Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Poems for a friend

So a week ago I wrote these 2 poems for a friend of mine. People say the poems are very good so I might as well post them here. For security reasons, I cannot tell her name. Also, these poems are copyrighted by Food Court Productions. I already had some shitheads try to plagerize them. I gave one special permission too give the first poem too his girlfriend, but other then that, don't copy it. Plagerism is a crime. Thanks.

Poem 1: She Is Always There

When morning fades too nightime
When warmth fades too cold
When darkest times occures
When rain comes pouring down on me
When all hope is gone
A certain someone is there too make it all better

Highlight of my day
Warm wind in the freezing winter
Sunlight of the sky

Talk all night
Getting grounded for being past bedtime
Or getting no sleep
Was worth every second

I don't know why I do this
For is it that I can't get enough of her "bagging" people
She's always there

~Poem by M
4:01 P.M

Poem 2: The Wind

Days pass by me
Moonlights reflect
Winds come flying toward me
Whispering her name

Seasons drift by
Raining or cloudy
I close my eyes
Thinking of the wind
That whispers her name

Freezing winter
Laughter of kids
In the snow
I feel a warm wind
in the air
It whispers her name

Days fade to nighttime
I fall asleep
With my window open
I hear the wind again
Whispering that name again
(Her name goes here)

~Poem By "Marlonie"

I want too make it perfectly clear. THESE ARE NOT LOVE POEMS, THEY ARE POEMS I WROTE FOR A BEST FRIEND OF MINE. NO ONE CAN COPY THEM. Someone I know made a whole frickin website right after I showed them these and claimed they are his, under the name "Milton Boxhall". I am not going to give away the site name because it has innapropiate content, trying to flame against me. Luckily, its a rare, hastily, made website, just to piss me off. If you come across this website, DO NOT BELIEVE HE WROTE IT, THEY ARE 100% GARUNTEED MADE BY ME AND I ALREADY COPYRIGHTED THEM. Thank you, and have a great day.


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