Monday, November 22, 2010

Game Review: Little King's Story

Little King's Story(2009, Wii)

So I'm about to do a game review of a game that I beat recently. It's snowing outside, I'm freezing my ass off(litterally), and I have a fever, cold, and soar throaght. I feel like I'm about to pass out any second, so this isn't going to be easy.

Don't let the cover fool you with its cute art design and all that, the game is rated T for a reason. The story is that you play as the protagonist, Corobo, a timid little kid, who follows a family of colorfull rats into the woods, where you bashes open a rock too find a golden crown, where he is automaticly treated as a king of the citizens of Alpoko. I...never heard that before.

One thing that I noticed right when I got too the core gameplay, I noticed that it resembles the gamecube game Pikmin. You attack stuff by throwing your citizens at enemies, where you see the little ball on top of the enemy, showing their damage. Like Pikmin, your citizens are going to die sooner or later. You can recruit citizens of the town, at a maximum of 30, and throw them into buildings, where they get a job. So if you see a grunt solider cabin, you can just throw them into there and they automaticly become a grunt solider for free. Now that is cool. Another thing I noticed is that some of the music in the game sound familiar, like on the title screen, you hear the graduation theme.

There is several jobs throughout the game, like Grunt Soliders, farmers, carpentors, and animal hunters. Some of them you have to pay for using the game's currency "bol". You can use bol to build more buildings in your kingdom too gain more citizens and popularity. bol is essential in the game, so don't run out of it.

If you want your little kingdom too grow bigger, your going to have to dominat...err...UNITE all the kingdoms. There is a total of 7 kingdoms, each with their own king. The boss battles in the game is one of the most interesting and creative I ever seen. From answering history questions(yes, seriously) too just beating the crap out of the boss the traditional way.

One boss I NEVER forget is the Shiskabloo(?) dude, who is an obese king, and you have to use him as a pinball. I spent hours trying to beat this guy, because it is all based on luck. Every time you hit him in the pinball, your citizens lose life, and you have to keep hitting the dude until he loses all the weight! Now I'm not done. When he is at EXACTLY 50 Kilos, you have to hit him too the top of the board where there is a fork. Oh, but you don't know there is a fork, because it is covered by a rock. But you gotta focus on hitting the fat guy...and...damn. However, it is very redeeming to see your kingdom expande as you...UNITE the world.

Like almost all games, Little King's Story has its share of flaws. Sometimes you need to get your army across bridges, and they fail to get on it, so you have to go back too get them, because they start fidgeting and get stuck on the bridge. Well, its better then falling through the bridge(*COUGH* BIG RIGS). When you bring your army too a unknown place in the world, you don't know what the hazards are. Like, you bring all soliders, but theres a bridge you have to build with carpentors. When your citizens die in combat, they either get washed up on the beach, or not, so you don't really know.

Overall, Little King's Story is a very underrated game, and deserves much more hype. Give it a try, you may like it.



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