Friday, September 10, 2010

The first three days of school

If you looked at my previous post, you heard me talking about having a quick tour of the school and too know where all my classes are. So after going too my new school for three days, I'm going to discuss how it went. When I was at open house, I forgot too get my picture taken too get my ID card, and too get my locker! When do i get it? I don't know. Let's cut the crap and get too what you want too hear.

I woke up at 6 PM, felt like shit. Got up too shower then got into my street clothes. No breakfast whatsoever, I have too leave for the bus stop at 7 PM. I fell asleep at 11 PM, ranting about how much I want summer too be back. The past is the past, have to move on too my fresh brand new start. I left the house and guess what? It was raining! Yeah that sums it all up that rain suits perfectly that summer is gone forever! So I got on the first metro, and it wasn't crowded at all, it was quite empty. I got off and took the next bus, which was somewhat crowded. My friend said he rides the bus, but...he wasn't on the bus. I got off and there was just a whole rampage of high schoolers coming out too the school, so I just followed them. I enter the school and I had no idea what the hell I was suppose to do! I had my map along my side, but it's still kind of tricky getting around the school because it's under construction, and should be done by Febuary(My birthday :D) or next year. I went up the 2nd stairs and I found one of my best buddies which I havn't seen for two months! HE NEVER CALLED ME! But you know what sucks? He has no classes with me, and we cant switch out because our schedules is totally different, like say If i have language arts, he has art. If i have weight training, he has science. If I have world history, he has typing. You get the point right? Period 1 I have Language Arts, and...holy shit the teachers actually CARE about you...AND ALL THE ROOMS ARE CLEAN! I'm sorry, I need to adapt too its awesomeness, because I came from a somewhat dirty and poor middle school. The period went by quick, and our homework was to get our sylibis signed by our mom or dad. Period 2 we have to walk all the way too the back too the school were the portables are(still raining), where we got world history. It's not bad, but lasts for an eternity. Next period is...weight training. I was at the south entrance, so I just stalked some guy who was going there, and it's all the way at the end of the hall! The teacher is awesome, like this is what happened:

Teacher: Any other questions?
Student: Yeah uh...what's our main goal?

Teacher: Our main goal? To kick some Ass!
Student: Awesome!

Teacher: It's like a job, one of those fancy restaurants and your a chef. You wanna kick ass, but not literaly. Like, you gotta give it 100% when your guest wants a burrito or something. So you make the best damn bitching burrito, or else your ass is on the streets

Yes, he actually said that. We just hanged out in the gym, and the weight room will be opened tomorow. My main goal with me and my friend was too find replacements for our friends who went to some other school, but it didnt go so well. After that was lunch. THEY LET ALL THE GRADES OUT AT ONCE! It's a mess. Imagine how long the lunch line's that bad. Freshman aparently aren't allowed too go off campus to get food, which is bull, but I understand why, no restaurants in walking distance. I was able to find my friend in the crowd, and we made our hangout place the water fountain. By the way, there was a FIRE DRILL, a real one! So, I didn't get a chance to EAT, so that is NO breakfast OR lunch. My stomach felt like it was twisting. Then because of the fire drill, I was late for 4th period, Japanese.

I know absolutly nothing about japanese, and I think it's very complicated. You could call me stupid or not, I really don't care what you think. 5th and final period is...Algebra. Ewww...I hate math. Bad way to end the day. But believe it or not, it's actually a fun class once you do all your in-class work. The board is touch screen, so you can draw and shit. School's over and now it's time to get on the bus too go home. THE BUS IS A NIGHTMARE, I HAD TO WAIT FOR THE THIRD BUS BECAUSE ITS TOO CROWDED!!!! I got home around 4:30PM, did the stuff I need to do, and crashed in bed at 10 PM.

Day 2

I still wasn't used too the whole taking the bus in the morning. Yesterday seemed too last an eternity, and one of the most tireing first days I had...ever. I was so happy when I found out it wasn't raining, so my cool clothes don't get wet. I only seen 6 people from my old schools which is...balls...they all, and i repeat, ALL, went too some other high school. However, they have to sing a song that "they are freshman, and proud", so that just makes them a target as fresh-meat. The periods were pretty much the same as yesterday, except for weight training. Today we were going into the weight training room.

This school has the best weight equipment, the athletes in olympic games and stuff use the same one's. If you want too benchpress, you gotta be flexible, so you gotta do these flexibility excersices. Not much too say about that day, really, except that when i was on my way home, there was this girl that I don't know that called my name.

Day 3
My friend didn't show up! What the hell! So during lunch I had no one to talk too, but these girls saw me and asked to invite me to their table, so yeah. Their was a BBQ after school, and we got free hot dogs and stuff! We had to wait in a long line(i mean, very long) to get it, but thats OK, I didnt eat jack shit that day too. I could go into way way detail of what happened on each day, but I think we all get the point: Hassle to get there, but very fun.


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