Thursday, November 4, 2010

Crap Days

I AM SO PISSED RIGHT NOW. Ugh...what a crappy week so far. AND WHAT A CRAPPY TITLE CARD(does the title card look familiar from earlier posts?). After writing Creepy Strories 4 The Unavoidable Nightmare(You must check it out, its one of my best posts), I have been delayed on writing stuff on here. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT" some of you may be thinking.Curious? I'll tell you about it.

On monday, it was a record of amount of rain pouring. Now...where I live, rain is common. But felt like it was raining waterfalls. I was no aware that it was raining, so i went outside in my normal black&white striped jacket. Bad mistake. It kept on splashing on my jacket, and soon, my jacket and socks got completly soaked. And my hair. My beutifull hair turned into shit. Not only that, but it was cold, I could see my own breath. It felt like it was still nightime outside, since it was pitch black. Depressing. When i got off the bus, I was still SOAKED. My hair felt the same as it did when I got out of the shower. During second period, I walked past the creek, and it was overflowing. They had too put sandbags there so it dosnt flood. flooded. So my shoes got wet. You think it would just be a small little puddle, right? No, near the portables there was a pond that sank up too your KNEE.
When I eventually got in the portable, i was shaking uncontrolibly. The teacher sent me too the nurs, saying I had hyperthermia. In there, It was my first time at the nurse at my new school. They gave me a heat pad too warm me up, and I had too wear blue sweater with ducks on it holding a ribbon on it. Yeah. Obviously, that's not my style, but I could of died. They let me keep the sweater as long as I need it.

The next day, I got a fever, cold, and soar throaght from yesterday(Yes, the sickness from one of my anchient posts is finally back). I had too stay home, so It was boring. I was forced too clip bushes, pull out weeds, and study as my punishment for being sick. One of the things I was forced too do I was at home was too go and name 50 different fruits at the top of my head, and then look it up.

On Wensday, my Japanese teacher says I have too stay after school for tutoring every day until I get better. I'm OK with it, but it's a hard subject. Unless you token foreign language like Japanese in high school, you have no idea what its like. I told my mom too pick me up on that wensday because tutoring dosn't start until tomorow, but she didn't come until 30 minutes later, thinking I stayed after school too do it. I waited and waited and waited and waited outside for her to come out in the cold. When I got home, I went too work on a video too upload onto the blog, and my computer kept being an asshole and DELEATED THE WHOLE PROJECT. IT ALSO DELEATED MICROSOFT POWERPOINT BY ITSELF. Powerpoint is what I use too make Food Court and all the title cards and images on the site. So know, you may know why the images in this post turns out too be shit. I'm a god awful drawer in paint. So for now, Food Court is delayed, and expect too see the video in 1-4 days. Promise.

So now, is it obvious of why my week so far has been bad and my I am so FURIOS right now? Again, sorry for not posting in a bit, happy new month, and all have a good night.


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