Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Hat Collection

Hats get blown off in the wind. Hats get stolen. Hats go missing. Hats get crushed when people sit on them. Hats are left in a dark corner where they get all dusty. Hat's get thrown off people's head. It's quite sad, actually. I wear hats everyday, and I had several hats that just vanishes. Such hats I had was a "S.W.A.T" hat and a "F.B.I" hat which I got at gameworks 3 years ago but went bye-bye. I have this small little hat collection, and I was able to take some pictures of them. Here are my hats that have survived through the worse.

Olympics Hat

History: I don't use this hat that often. My mom was at her workplace and she saw this hat and thought it would look good on me. It's kind of old now, so it's all crushed and shit.

Nike Hat

History: I got this over last summer too wear as my brand new hat for high school. It is my most recognizable hat. This became my favorite hat at the time, and I would wear it all the time.

Rock E Drills Hat

History: I don't use this hat that much, too big for my head. I found this hat in my mom's car, all lonely in a dark corner dust all over it.

London Hat

History: My most abused hat. My sister went on a vacation too London, and brought back some souveniers for me and the family. She brought me a South Park Poster, A Simpsons Poster, A london white coat, this London hat, and more. During the time I wore this all the time. This hat would get blown off into the wind, accidently sat on, and more. Not how in the picture there is a sharpie mark on it and it is all flattened and shit. I never use this hat anymore.

Paper Burger King Crown

History: This may not count as a real hat, its just pieces of paper and plastic put together too look like a crown. As a kid I saw this "hat" at burger king and I wanted it. I don't use this "hat", never will. if I do, I'll look like a jackass.

Mcdonalds Employee Hat

History: My sister used too work at Mcdonalds, but she quit her job for a better job. She got too keep her uniform and hat. She decided too give me this hat, and I decided too keep it. I don't give a shit about Mcdonalds, but hey, this hat is pretty rare, only employee's can get it. I never use this hat, it's just up for display.

Shiny Cross Hat

History: My Newest Hat, I got it 3 days ago, Febuary 2nd, my Birthday. This was a gift that came in a huge box, which contained a smaller box, then a even smaller box, which hat this hat. The cross on the hat has these shiny little rocks on it. This is now the hat I wear all the time.


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